COPING THROUGH CRISIS: why going back to 1 is an act of leadership
In the midst of the LA fires and its aftermath, let’s all remember to Go Back 1: pause, rest, and reset. Go to bed a little earlier, hug your dog, exercise, meditate, pray, journal or just breathe. Do what you need to do to get your mind right because between the on-going Mediapocalypse that has left 1,000’s under and unemployed and the seemingly endless LA wildfires, we are all experiencing unprecedented levels of trauma, stress, and grief.
I know this may sound like cliched LA Woo-woo. “Too soon” while folks are in the midst of it but Going Back to 1 is a matter of leadership and service.
The renowned Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh himself survived the Vietnam War. While his country burned, “Thay” (his followers called him “teacher” in Vietnamese) fought for peace and urged equanimity. he said, "In a small boat out at sea, if one person remains steady and calm, it will help the boat survive." During times of crisis, being that steady presence—for us and for others is an act of leadership. In inspires confidence that we can get through this together.
In other words, sh** rolls downstream. If we are all on a rickety boat in the middle of a raging storm – the one person who is calm and steady keeps everyone else calm and steady. This act of leadership can literally prevent the ship from sinking. We’ve all worked on projects under stressed out cranky bosses and that toxicity spreads throughout the production. On the flip side, you’ve also hopefully worked for folks who are unflappable problem solvers in a crisis. If you want to be or service to both you and others, be the unflappable one.
Go Back to 1. Reset and reframe the idea of self-care as an act of service. If you are calm and steady, you’ll be able to make better decisions for yourself and stay productive. If you are calm and steady, you will be better able to support and be of service to others.
May this be or service to you. Sending all my support and good thoughts! We are in this together!
Find Action Steps Going Back to 1 when Coping in Crisis:
(Re)watch a 1 Minute video to chill out and get more tips: here.
Coping with Crisis: The Dark Side of the News and Doomscrolling Strikes Back! here
Coping With Crisis: Resist the Dark Side of News and Doomscrolling here.
Want to explore 1:1 Confidential, Trauma informed Coaching from a seasoned TV Executive?
For those of you in film/tv who have been affected by the LA fires and are looking for entertainment in(redustry disaster relief resources, the Producer’s Guild has released a list from the Entertainment Community Fund.